Module refinery.lib.executable

This module implements an abstraction layer executable loader for PE, ELF, and MachO files. The provided interface is the same for all executables. It powers the following units:

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module implements an abstraction layer executable loader for PE, ELF, and MachO files.
The provided interface is the same for all executables. It powers the following units:

- `refinery.vsnip`
- `refinery.vsect`
- `refinery.vaddr`
from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import itertools

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, NamedTuple
from os import devnull as DEVNULL
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from functools import lru_cache
from uuid import uuid4

from macholib.MachO import load_command, MachO, MachOHeader
from pefile import PE as PEFile, SectionStructure, MACHINE_TYPE, DIRECTORY_ENTRY
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile

from refinery.lib.structures import MemoryFile
from refinery.lib.types import INF, ByteStr

    from typing import Type, Callable, ParamSpec, TypeVar, Generator, Optional, Union, Iterable, List
    _T = TypeVar('_T')
    _P = ParamSpec('_P')

class ParsingFailure(ValueError):
    def __init__(self, kind):
        super().__init__(F'unable to parse input as {kind} file')

    1        : 'VAX',
    6        : 'MC680x0',
    7        : 'X86',
    16777223 : 'X86_64',
    10       : 'MC98000',
    11       : 'HPPA',
    12       : 'ARM',
    13       : 'MC88000',
    14       : 'SPARC',
    15       : 'I860',
    18       : 'POWERPC',
    16777234 : 'POWERPC64',

def align(alignment: int, value: int, down=False) -> int:
    if alignment >= 2:
        incomplete_chunk_count = value % alignment
        if incomplete_chunk_count > 0:
            if not down:
                value += alignment - incomplete_chunk_count
                value -= incomplete_chunk_count
    return value

def exeroute(
    data           : bytearray,
    handler_elf    : Callable[_P, _T],
    handler_macho  : Callable[_P, _T],
    handler_pe     : Callable[_P, _T],
) -> _T:
    if data[:2] == B'MZ':
            parsed = PEFile(data=data, fast_load=True)
        except Exception as E:
            raise ParsingFailure('PE') from E
            return handler_pe(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
    if data[:4] == B'\x7FELF':
            parsed = ELFFile(MemoryFile(data))
        except Exception as E:
            raise ParsingFailure('ELF') from E
            return handler_elf(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
    if set(data[:4]) <= {0xFE, 0xED, 0xFA, 0xCE, 0xCF}:
        class InMemoryMachO(MachO):
            def __init__(self): super().__init__(DEVNULL)
            def load(self, _): return super().load(MemoryFile(data))
            parsed = InMemoryMachO()
            assert parsed.headers
        except Exception as E:
            raise ParsingFailure('MachO') from E
            return handler_macho(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
    raise ValueError('Unknown executable format')

class Range(NamedTuple):
    lower: int
    upper: int

    def range(self):
        return range(self.lower, self.upper)

    def slice(self):
        return slice(self.lower, self.upper)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.upper - self.lower

    def __contains__(self, addr: int):
        return self.lower <= addr < self.upper

    def __str__(self):
        return F'0x{self.lower:X}:0x{self.upper:X}'

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'

    def __sub__(self, them: Range) -> List[Range]:
        pieces = []
        if self.lower < them.lower:
            pieces.append(Range(self.lower, min(them.lower, self.upper)))
        if them.upper < self.upper:
            pieces.append(Range(max(self.lower, them.upper), self.upper))
        return pieces

class BoxedOffset(NamedTuple):
    box: Range
    position: int

    def __str__(self):
        return F'0x{self.position:X} in {!s}'

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'

class Location(NamedTuple):
    physical: BoxedOffset
    virtual: BoxedOffset

    def __str__(self):
        return F'V={self.virtual!s}; P={self.physical!s}'

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'

class ArchItem(NamedTuple):
    id: int
    pointer_size: int

    def New(cls, pointer_size: int):
        return cls(uuid4(), pointer_size)

class Arch(ArchItem, Enum):
    X32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    X64 = ArchItem.New(64)
    ARM32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    ARM64 = ArchItem.New(64)
    MIPS16 = ArchItem.New(16)
    MIPS32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    MIPS64 = ArchItem.New(64)
    PPC32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    PPC64 = ArchItem.New(64)
    SPARC32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    SPARC64 = ArchItem.New(64)

class LT(str, Enum):
    PHYSICAL = 'offset'
    VIRTUAL = 'address'

class ET(str, Enum):
    ELF = 'ELF'
    MachO = 'MachO'
    PE = 'PE'
    BLOB = 'BLOB'

class BO(str, Enum):
    BE = 'big'
    LE = 'little'

class Section(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    physical: Range
    virtual: Range
    synthetic: bool

    def as_segment(self, populate_sections=False) -> Segment:
        sections = [self] if populate_sections else None
        return Segment(self.physical, self.virtual, sections,

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.as_segment())

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'

class Segment(NamedTuple):
    physical: Range
    virtual: Range
    sections: Optional[List[Section]]
    name: Optional[str] = None

    def as_section(self) -> Section:
        if is None:
            raise ValueError('Unable to convert nameless segment to section.')
        return Section(, self.physical, self.virtual, False)

    def __str__(self):
        msg = F'P=[{self.physical!s}];V=[{self.virtual!s}]'
        if is not None:
            msg = F'{}:{msg}'
        return msg

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'

class CompartmentNotFound(LookupError):
    def __init__(self, lt: LT, location: int):
        super().__init__(F'Unable to find a segment that contains the {lt.value} 0x{location:X}.')
        self.location_type = lt
        self.location = location

class Executable(ABC):

    _data: ByteStr
    _head: Union[PEFile, ELFFile, MachO]
    _base: Optional[int]
    _type: ET

    def Load(cls: Type[_T], data: ByteStr, base: Optional[int] = None) -> _T:
        return exeroute(

    def __init__(self, head: Union[PEFile, ELFFile, MachO], data: ByteStr, base: Optional[int] = None):
        self._data = data
        self._head = head
        self._base = base

    def head(self):
        return self._head

    def type(self):
        return self._type

    def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice, Range]):

    def read(self, key: Union[int, slice, Range]):
        if isinstance(key, Range):
            key = slice(key.lower, key.upper)
        elif isinstance(key, int):
            key = slice(key, key + 1, 1)
        if key.start is None:
            raise LookupError(R'Slice indices with unspecified start are not supported.')
        if key.stop is not None and key.stop < key.start:
            raise LookupError(R'The slice end must lie after the slice start.')

        box = self.location_from_address(key.start)

        if key.stop is None:
            end =
        elif key.stop <=
            end = box.physical.position + (key.stop - key.start)
            raise LookupError(F'The end address 0x{key.stop:X} is beyond the section end 0x{}.')


    def ascii(string: Union[str, ByteStr]) -> str:
        if isinstance(string, str):
            return string
        for k, b in enumerate(string):
            if b == 0:
                string = string[:k]
        return string.decode('latin-1')

    def _rebase_usr_to_img(self, addr: int) -> int:
        return addr - self.base + self.image_defined_base()

    def _rebase_img_to_usr(self, addr: int) -> int:
        return addr - self.image_defined_base() + self.base

    def base(self) -> int:
        if self._base is None:
            return self.image_defined_base()
        return self._base

    def data(self) -> memoryview:
        view = memoryview(self._data)
        if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
            view = view.toreadonly()
        return view

    def pointer_size(self) -> int:
        return self.arch().pointer_size

    def location_from_address(self, address: int) -> Location:
        return self.lookup_location(address, LT.VIRTUAL)

    def location_from_offset(self, offset: int) -> Location:
        return self.lookup_location(offset, LT.PHYSICAL)

    def image_defined_size(self) -> int:
        size = 0
        for segment in self.segments():
            size = max(size, segment.physical.upper)
        for section in self.sections():
            size = max(size, section.physical.upper)
        return size

    def image_defined_address_space(self) -> Range:
        upper = 0
        lower = INF
        for segment in self.segments():
            upper = max(upper, segment.virtual.upper)
            lower = min(lower, segment.virtual.lower)
        for section in self.sections():
            upper = max(upper, section.virtual.upper)
            lower = min(lower, section.virtual.lower)
        if upper < lower:
            raise RuntimeError(F'The computed address space upper bound 0x{upper:X} is less than the computed lower bound 0x{lower:X}.')
        return Range(lower, upper)

    def lookup_location(self, location: int, lt: LT) -> Location:
        for part in itertools.chain(self.sections(), self.segments()):
            phys = part.physical
            virt = part.virtual
            if lt is LT.PHYSICAL and location in phys:
                return Location(
                    BoxedOffset(phys, location),
                    BoxedOffset(virt, virt.lower + location - phys.lower)
            if lt is LT.VIRTUAL and location in virt:
                return Location(
                    BoxedOffset(phys, phys.lower + location - virt.lower),
                    BoxedOffset(virt, location)
            raise CompartmentNotFound(lt, location)

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:

    def arch(self) -> Arch:

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:

    def segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        yield from self._segments(populate_sections=populate_sections)

    def sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        ib = self.image_defined_base()
        missing = [Range(0, len(self._data))]
        offsets = {}
        for section in self._sections():
            missing = [piece for patch in missing for piece in patch - section.physical]
            offsets[section.physical.lower] = section.virtual.lower
            yield section
        if not missing:
        offsets.setdefault(0, ib)
        for gap in missing:
            p_floor = min((k for k in offsets if k <= gap.lower), key=lambda p: p - gap.lower)
            v_floor = offsets[p_floor]
            v_lower = v_floor + (gap.lower - p_floor)
            v_upper = v_lower + len(gap)
            if gap.lower == 0:
                name = R'synthesized/.header'
            elif gap.upper == len(self._data):
                name = R'synthesized/.overlay'
            elif any(self._data[gap.slice()]):
                name = F'synthesized/.gap-{gap.lower:08X}-{gap.upper:08X}'
                name = F'synthesized/.zeros-{gap.lower:08X}'
            yield Section(name, gap, Range(v_lower, v_upper), True)

class ExecutableCodeBlob(Executable):

    _head: Type[None] = None
    _type = ET.BLOB
    _byte_order: BO
    _arch: Arch

    def __init__(self, data, base=None, arch: Arch = Arch.X32, byte_order: BO = BO.LE):
        super().__init__(None, data, base)
        self._byte_order = byte_order
        self._arch = arch

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
        return 0

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:
        return self._byte_order

    def arch(self) -> Arch:
        return self._arch

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        r = Range(0, len(
        yield Section('blob', r, r, False)

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        for s in self.sections():
            yield s.as_segment(populate_sections=populate_sections)

class ExecutablePE(Executable):

    _head: PEFile
    _type = ET.PE

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
        return self._head.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase

    def image_defined_size(self, overlay=True, sections=True, directories=True, certificate=True, memdump=False) -> int:
        This fuction determines the size of a PE file, optionally taking into account the
        pefile module overlay computation, section information, data directory information,
        and certificate entries.
        pe = self._head

        overlay_value = overlay and pe.get_overlay_data_start_offset() or 0
        sections_value = sections and super().image_defined_size() or 0
        memdump_value = memdump and self.image_defined_address_space().upper or 0

        if directories:
            directories_value = max((
                pe.get_offset_from_rva(d.VirtualAddress) + d.Size
                for d in pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY
                if != 'IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY'
            ), default=0)
            if certificate:
                # The certificate overlay is given as a file offset
                # rather than a virtual address.
                cert_value = cert_entry.VirtualAddress + cert_entry.Size
                cert_value = 0
            directories_value = max(directories_value, cert_value)
            directories_value = 0

        return max(

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        sections: Iterable[SectionStructure] = iter(self._head.sections)
        ib = self.image_defined_base()
        for section in sections:
            p_lower = section.PointerToRawData
            p_upper = p_lower + section.SizeOfRawData
            v_lower = section.VirtualAddress + ib
            v_lower = self._rebase_img_to_usr(v_lower)
            v_upper = v_lower + section.Misc_VirtualSize
            p = Range(p_lower, p_upper)
            v = Range(v_lower, v_upper)
            yield Section(self.ascii(section.Name), p, v, False)

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        for section in self.sections():
            yield section.as_segment(populate_sections)

    def arch(self) -> Arch:
        arch = self._head.FILE_HEADER.Machine
        arch = MACHINE_TYPE[arch]
            return {
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386'   : Arch.X32,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64'  : Arch.X64,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM'    : Arch.ARM32,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB'  : Arch.ARM32,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT'  : Arch.ARM64,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16' : Arch.MIPS16,
        except KeyError:
            raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:
        return BO.LE

class ExecutableELF(Executable):

    _head: ELFFile
    _type = ET.ELF

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
        return min(self._pt_load())

    def _pt_load(self):
        PT_LOAD = {}
        if not self._head.num_segments():
            raise LookupError('The elftools parser did not find any segments in this file.')
        for segment in self._head.iter_segments():
            if segment.header.p_type == 'PT_LOAD':
                PT_LOAD[segment.header.p_vaddr] = segment
        if not PT_LOAD:
            raise LookupError('Could not find any PT_LOAD segment.')
        return PT_LOAD

    def _convert_section(self, section) -> Section:
        p_lower = section['sh_offset']
        v_lower = section['sh_addr']
        v_lower = self._rebase_img_to_usr(v_lower)
        v_upper = v_lower + align(section['sh_addralign'], section.data_size)
        p_upper = p_lower + section.data_size
        return Section(self.ascii(, Range(p_lower, p_upper), Range(v_lower, v_upper), False)

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        for section in self._head.iter_sections():
            if section.is_null():
            yield self._convert_section(section)

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        for segment in self._head.iter_segments():
            header = segment.header
            p_lower = header.p_offset
            v_lower = header.p_vaddr
            v_lower = self._rebase_usr_to_img(v_lower)
            p_upper = p_lower + header.p_filesz
            v_upper = v_lower + header.p_memsz
            if not populate_sections:
                sections = None
                sections = [
                    for section in self._head.iter_sections()
                    if segment.section_in_segment(section)
            yield Segment(Range(p_lower, p_upper), Range(v_lower, v_upper), sections)

    def arch(self) -> Arch:
        arch = self._head.header['e_machine']
            return {
                'EM_SPARC'   : Arch.SPARC32,
                'EM_SPARCV9' : Arch.SPARC64,
                'EM_386'     : Arch.X32,
                'EM_X86_64'  : Arch.X64,
                'EM_MIPS'    : Arch.MIPS32,
                'EM_PPC'     : Arch.PPC32,
                'EM_PPC64'   : Arch.PPC64,
                'EM_ARM'     : Arch.ARM32,
        except KeyError:
            raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:
        return BO.LE if self.head.little_endian else BO.BE

class ExecutableMachO(Executable):

    _head: MachO
    _type = ET.MachO

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
        return min(seg.vmaddr for seg, _ in self._macho_segments() if seg.vmaddr > 0)

    def _macho_segments(self):
        headers: List[MachOHeader] = self._head.headers
        for header in headers:
            for cmd, segment, sections in header.commands:
                cmd: load_command
                if not cmd.get_cmd_name().startswith('LC_SEGMENT'):
                if segment.filesize <= 0:
                yield segment, sections

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        for segment, sections in self._macho_segments():
            v_lower = segment.vmaddr
            v_lower = self._rebase_img_to_usr(v_lower)
            p_lower = segment.fileoff
            v_upper = v_lower + segment.vmsize
            p_upper = p_lower + segment.filesize
            segment_name = self.ascii(segment.segname)
            if not populate_sections:
                sections = None
                sections = [
                    self._convert_section(section, segment_name)
                    for section in sections
            yield Segment(
                Range(p_lower, p_upper),
                Range(v_lower, v_upper),

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        for segment in self.segments(populate_sections=True):
            yield segment.as_section()
            yield from segment.sections

    def _convert_section(self, section, segment: str) -> Section:
        name = self.ascii(section.sectname)
        p_lower = section.offset
        v_lower = section.addr
        v_lower = self._rebase_img_to_usr(v_lower)
        p_upper = p_lower + section.size
        v_upper = v_lower + align(section.align, section.size)
        return Section(F'{segment}/{name}', Range(p_lower, p_upper), Range(v_lower, v_upper), False)

    def arch(self) -> Arch:
        cputype = self._head.headers[0].header.cputype
            arch = _MACHO_ARCHS[cputype]
        except KeyError:
            arch = F'UNKNOWN(0x{cputype:X})'
            return {
                'X86'       : Arch.X32,
                'X86_64'    : Arch.X64,
                'ARM'       : Arch.ARM32,
                'SPARC'     : Arch.SPARC32,
                'POWERPC'   : Arch.PPC32,
                'POWERPC64' : Arch.PPC64,
        except KeyError:
            raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:
        headers: List[MachOHeader] = self._head.headers
        return {
            '<': BO.LE,
            '>': BO.BE,


def align(alignment, value, down=False)
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def align(alignment: int, value: int, down=False) -> int:
    if alignment >= 2:
        incomplete_chunk_count = value % alignment
        if incomplete_chunk_count > 0:
            if not down:
                value += alignment - incomplete_chunk_count
                value -= incomplete_chunk_count
    return value
def exeroute(data, handler_elf, handler_macho, handler_pe, *args, **kwargs)
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def exeroute(
    data           : bytearray,
    handler_elf    : Callable[_P, _T],
    handler_macho  : Callable[_P, _T],
    handler_pe     : Callable[_P, _T],
) -> _T:
    if data[:2] == B'MZ':
            parsed = PEFile(data=data, fast_load=True)
        except Exception as E:
            raise ParsingFailure('PE') from E
            return handler_pe(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
    if data[:4] == B'\x7FELF':
            parsed = ELFFile(MemoryFile(data))
        except Exception as E:
            raise ParsingFailure('ELF') from E
            return handler_elf(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
    if set(data[:4]) <= {0xFE, 0xED, 0xFA, 0xCE, 0xCF}:
        class InMemoryMachO(MachO):
            def __init__(self): super().__init__(DEVNULL)
            def load(self, _): return super().load(MemoryFile(data))
            parsed = InMemoryMachO()
            assert parsed.headers
        except Exception as E:
            raise ParsingFailure('MachO') from E
            return handler_macho(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
    raise ValueError('Unknown executable format')


class ParsingFailure (kind)

Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).

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class ParsingFailure(ValueError):
    def __init__(self, kind):
        super().__init__(F'unable to parse input as {kind} file')


  • builtins.ValueError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Range (lower, upper)

Range(lower, upper)

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class Range(NamedTuple):
    lower: int
    upper: int

    def range(self):
        return range(self.lower, self.upper)

    def slice(self):
        return slice(self.lower, self.upper)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.upper - self.lower

    def __contains__(self, addr: int):
        return self.lower <= addr < self.upper

    def __str__(self):
        return F'0x{self.lower:X}:0x{self.upper:X}'

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'

    def __sub__(self, them: Range) -> List[Range]:
        pieces = []
        if self.lower < them.lower:
            pieces.append(Range(self.lower, min(them.lower, self.upper)))
        if them.upper < self.upper:
            pieces.append(Range(max(self.lower, them.upper), self.upper))
        return pieces


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var lower

Alias for field number 0

var upper

Alias for field number 1


def range(self)
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def range(self):
    return range(self.lower, self.upper)
def slice(self)
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def slice(self):
    return slice(self.lower, self.upper)
class BoxedOffset (box, position)

BoxedOffset(box, position)

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class BoxedOffset(NamedTuple):
    box: Range
    position: int

    def __str__(self):
        return F'0x{self.position:X} in {!s}'

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var box

Alias for field number 0

var position

Alias for field number 1

class Location (physical, virtual)

Location(physical, virtual)

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class Location(NamedTuple):
    physical: BoxedOffset
    virtual: BoxedOffset

    def __str__(self):
        return F'V={self.virtual!s}; P={self.physical!s}'

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var physical

Alias for field number 0

var virtual

Alias for field number 1

class ArchItem (id, pointer_size)

ArchItem(id, pointer_size)

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class ArchItem(NamedTuple):
    id: int
    pointer_size: int

    def New(cls, pointer_size: int):
        return cls(uuid4(), pointer_size)


  • builtins.tuple


Static methods

def New(pointer_size)
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def New(cls, pointer_size: int):
    return cls(uuid4(), pointer_size)

Instance variables

var id

Alias for field number 0

var pointer_size

Alias for field number 1

class Arch (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class Arch(ArchItem, Enum):
    X32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    X64 = ArchItem.New(64)
    ARM32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    ARM64 = ArchItem.New(64)
    MIPS16 = ArchItem.New(16)
    MIPS32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    MIPS64 = ArchItem.New(64)
    PPC32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    PPC64 = ArchItem.New(64)
    SPARC32 = ArchItem.New(32)
    SPARC64 = ArchItem.New(64)


Class variables

var X32
var X64
var ARM32
var ARM64
var MIPS16
var MIPS32
var MIPS64
var PPC32
var PPC64
var SPARC32
var SPARC64

Inherited members

class LT (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class LT(str, Enum):
    PHYSICAL = 'offset'
    VIRTUAL = 'address'


  • builtins.str
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

class ET (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class ET(str, Enum):
    ELF = 'ELF'
    MachO = 'MachO'
    PE = 'PE'
    BLOB = 'BLOB'


  • builtins.str
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var ELF
var MachO
var PE
var BLOB
class BO (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class BO(str, Enum):
    BE = 'big'
    LE = 'little'


  • builtins.str
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var BE
var LE
class Section (name, physical, virtual, synthetic)

Section(name, physical, virtual, synthetic)

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class Section(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    physical: Range
    virtual: Range
    synthetic: bool

    def as_segment(self, populate_sections=False) -> Segment:
        sections = [self] if populate_sections else None
        return Segment(self.physical, self.virtual, sections,

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.as_segment())

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var name

Alias for field number 0

var physical

Alias for field number 1

var virtual

Alias for field number 2

var synthetic

Alias for field number 3


def as_segment(self, populate_sections=False)
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def as_segment(self, populate_sections=False) -> Segment:
    sections = [self] if populate_sections else None
    return Segment(self.physical, self.virtual, sections,
class Segment (physical, virtual, sections, name=None)

Segment(physical, virtual, sections, name)

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class Segment(NamedTuple):
    physical: Range
    virtual: Range
    sections: Optional[List[Section]]
    name: Optional[str] = None

    def as_section(self) -> Section:
        if is None:
            raise ValueError('Unable to convert nameless segment to section.')
        return Section(, self.physical, self.virtual, False)

    def __str__(self):
        msg = F'P=[{self.physical!s}];V=[{self.virtual!s}]'
        if is not None:
            msg = F'{}:{msg}'
        return msg

    def __repr__(self):
        return F'<{self.__class__.__name__}:{self!s}>'


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var physical

Alias for field number 0

var virtual

Alias for field number 1

var sections

Alias for field number 2

var name

Alias for field number 3


def as_section(self)
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def as_section(self) -> Section:
    if is None:
        raise ValueError('Unable to convert nameless segment to section.')
    return Section(, self.physical, self.virtual, False)
class CompartmentNotFound (lt, location)

Base class for lookup errors.

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class CompartmentNotFound(LookupError):
    def __init__(self, lt: LT, location: int):
        super().__init__(F'Unable to find a segment that contains the {lt.value} 0x{location:X}.')
        self.location_type = lt
        self.location = location


  • builtins.LookupError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Executable (head, data, base=None)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class Executable(ABC):

    _data: ByteStr
    _head: Union[PEFile, ELFFile, MachO]
    _base: Optional[int]
    _type: ET

    def Load(cls: Type[_T], data: ByteStr, base: Optional[int] = None) -> _T:
        return exeroute(

    def __init__(self, head: Union[PEFile, ELFFile, MachO], data: ByteStr, base: Optional[int] = None):
        self._data = data
        self._head = head
        self._base = base

    def head(self):
        return self._head

    def type(self):
        return self._type

    def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice, Range]):

    def read(self, key: Union[int, slice, Range]):
        if isinstance(key, Range):
            key = slice(key.lower, key.upper)
        elif isinstance(key, int):
            key = slice(key, key + 1, 1)
        if key.start is None:
            raise LookupError(R'Slice indices with unspecified start are not supported.')
        if key.stop is not None and key.stop < key.start:
            raise LookupError(R'The slice end must lie after the slice start.')

        box = self.location_from_address(key.start)

        if key.stop is None:
            end =
        elif key.stop <=
            end = box.physical.position + (key.stop - key.start)
            raise LookupError(F'The end address 0x{key.stop:X} is beyond the section end 0x{}.')


    def ascii(string: Union[str, ByteStr]) -> str:
        if isinstance(string, str):
            return string
        for k, b in enumerate(string):
            if b == 0:
                string = string[:k]
        return string.decode('latin-1')

    def _rebase_usr_to_img(self, addr: int) -> int:
        return addr - self.base + self.image_defined_base()

    def _rebase_img_to_usr(self, addr: int) -> int:
        return addr - self.image_defined_base() + self.base

    def base(self) -> int:
        if self._base is None:
            return self.image_defined_base()
        return self._base

    def data(self) -> memoryview:
        view = memoryview(self._data)
        if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
            view = view.toreadonly()
        return view

    def pointer_size(self) -> int:
        return self.arch().pointer_size

    def location_from_address(self, address: int) -> Location:
        return self.lookup_location(address, LT.VIRTUAL)

    def location_from_offset(self, offset: int) -> Location:
        return self.lookup_location(offset, LT.PHYSICAL)

    def image_defined_size(self) -> int:
        size = 0
        for segment in self.segments():
            size = max(size, segment.physical.upper)
        for section in self.sections():
            size = max(size, section.physical.upper)
        return size

    def image_defined_address_space(self) -> Range:
        upper = 0
        lower = INF
        for segment in self.segments():
            upper = max(upper, segment.virtual.upper)
            lower = min(lower, segment.virtual.lower)
        for section in self.sections():
            upper = max(upper, section.virtual.upper)
            lower = min(lower, section.virtual.lower)
        if upper < lower:
            raise RuntimeError(F'The computed address space upper bound 0x{upper:X} is less than the computed lower bound 0x{lower:X}.')
        return Range(lower, upper)

    def lookup_location(self, location: int, lt: LT) -> Location:
        for part in itertools.chain(self.sections(), self.segments()):
            phys = part.physical
            virt = part.virtual
            if lt is LT.PHYSICAL and location in phys:
                return Location(
                    BoxedOffset(phys, location),
                    BoxedOffset(virt, virt.lower + location - phys.lower)
            if lt is LT.VIRTUAL and location in virt:
                return Location(
                    BoxedOffset(phys, phys.lower + location - virt.lower),
                    BoxedOffset(virt, location)
            raise CompartmentNotFound(lt, location)

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:

    def arch(self) -> Arch:

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:

    def segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        yield from self._segments(populate_sections=populate_sections)

    def sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        ib = self.image_defined_base()
        missing = [Range(0, len(self._data))]
        offsets = {}
        for section in self._sections():
            missing = [piece for patch in missing for piece in patch - section.physical]
            offsets[section.physical.lower] = section.virtual.lower
            yield section
        if not missing:
        offsets.setdefault(0, ib)
        for gap in missing:
            p_floor = min((k for k in offsets if k <= gap.lower), key=lambda p: p - gap.lower)
            v_floor = offsets[p_floor]
            v_lower = v_floor + (gap.lower - p_floor)
            v_upper = v_lower + len(gap)
            if gap.lower == 0:
                name = R'synthesized/.header'
            elif gap.upper == len(self._data):
                name = R'synthesized/.overlay'
            elif any(self._data[gap.slice()]):
                name = F'synthesized/.gap-{gap.lower:08X}-{gap.upper:08X}'
                name = F'synthesized/.zeros-{gap.lower:08X}'
            yield Section(name, gap, Range(v_lower, v_upper), True)


  • abc.ABC


Static methods

def Load(data, base=None)
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def Load(cls: Type[_T], data: ByteStr, base: Optional[int] = None) -> _T:
    return exeroute(
def ascii(string)
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def ascii(string: Union[str, ByteStr]) -> str:
    if isinstance(string, str):
        return string
    for k, b in enumerate(string):
        if b == 0:
            string = string[:k]
    return string.decode('latin-1')

Instance variables

var head
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def head(self):
    return self._head
var type
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def type(self):
    return self._type
var base
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def base(self) -> int:
    if self._base is None:
        return self.image_defined_base()
    return self._base
var data
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def data(self) -> memoryview:
    view = memoryview(self._data)
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
        view = view.toreadonly()
    return view
var pointer_size
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def pointer_size(self) -> int:
    return self.arch().pointer_size


def read(self, key)
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def read(self, key: Union[int, slice, Range]):
    if isinstance(key, Range):
        key = slice(key.lower, key.upper)
    elif isinstance(key, int):
        key = slice(key, key + 1, 1)
    if key.start is None:
        raise LookupError(R'Slice indices with unspecified start are not supported.')
    if key.stop is not None and key.stop < key.start:
        raise LookupError(R'The slice end must lie after the slice start.')

    box = self.location_from_address(key.start)

    if key.stop is None:
        end =
    elif key.stop <=
        end = box.physical.position + (key.stop - key.start)
        raise LookupError(F'The end address 0x{key.stop:X} is beyond the section end 0x{}.')

def location_from_address(self, address)
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def location_from_address(self, address: int) -> Location:
    return self.lookup_location(address, LT.VIRTUAL)
def location_from_offset(self, offset)
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def location_from_offset(self, offset: int) -> Location:
    return self.lookup_location(offset, LT.PHYSICAL)
def image_defined_size(self)
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def image_defined_size(self) -> int:
    size = 0
    for segment in self.segments():
        size = max(size, segment.physical.upper)
    for section in self.sections():
        size = max(size, section.physical.upper)
    return size
def image_defined_address_space(self)
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def image_defined_address_space(self) -> Range:
    upper = 0
    lower = INF
    for segment in self.segments():
        upper = max(upper, segment.virtual.upper)
        lower = min(lower, segment.virtual.lower)
    for section in self.sections():
        upper = max(upper, section.virtual.upper)
        lower = min(lower, section.virtual.lower)
    if upper < lower:
        raise RuntimeError(F'The computed address space upper bound 0x{upper:X} is less than the computed lower bound 0x{lower:X}.')
    return Range(lower, upper)
def lookup_location(self, location, lt)
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def lookup_location(self, location: int, lt: LT) -> Location:
    for part in itertools.chain(self.sections(), self.segments()):
        phys = part.physical
        virt = part.virtual
        if lt is LT.PHYSICAL and location in phys:
            return Location(
                BoxedOffset(phys, location),
                BoxedOffset(virt, virt.lower + location - phys.lower)
        if lt is LT.VIRTUAL and location in virt:
            return Location(
                BoxedOffset(phys, phys.lower + location - virt.lower),
                BoxedOffset(virt, location)
        raise CompartmentNotFound(lt, location)
def byte_order(self)
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def byte_order(self) -> BO:
def image_defined_base(self)
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def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
def arch(self)
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def arch(self) -> Arch:
def segments(self, populate_sections=False)
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def segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
    yield from self._segments(populate_sections=populate_sections)
def sections(self)
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def sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
    ib = self.image_defined_base()
    missing = [Range(0, len(self._data))]
    offsets = {}
    for section in self._sections():
        missing = [piece for patch in missing for piece in patch - section.physical]
        offsets[section.physical.lower] = section.virtual.lower
        yield section
    if not missing:
    offsets.setdefault(0, ib)
    for gap in missing:
        p_floor = min((k for k in offsets if k <= gap.lower), key=lambda p: p - gap.lower)
        v_floor = offsets[p_floor]
        v_lower = v_floor + (gap.lower - p_floor)
        v_upper = v_lower + len(gap)
        if gap.lower == 0:
            name = R'synthesized/.header'
        elif gap.upper == len(self._data):
            name = R'synthesized/.overlay'
        elif any(self._data[gap.slice()]):
            name = F'synthesized/.gap-{gap.lower:08X}-{gap.upper:08X}'
            name = F'synthesized/.zeros-{gap.lower:08X}'
        yield Section(name, gap, Range(v_lower, v_upper), True)
class ExecutableCodeBlob (data, base=None, arch=Arch.X32, byte_order=BO.LE)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class ExecutableCodeBlob(Executable):

    _head: Type[None] = None
    _type = ET.BLOB
    _byte_order: BO
    _arch: Arch

    def __init__(self, data, base=None, arch: Arch = Arch.X32, byte_order: BO = BO.LE):
        super().__init__(None, data, base)
        self._byte_order = byte_order
        self._arch = arch

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
        return 0

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:
        return self._byte_order

    def arch(self) -> Arch:
        return self._arch

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        r = Range(0, len(
        yield Section('blob', r, r, False)

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        for s in self.sections():
            yield s.as_segment(populate_sections=populate_sections)



def image_defined_base(self)
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def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
    return 0
def byte_order(self)
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def byte_order(self) -> BO:
    return self._byte_order
def arch(self)
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def arch(self) -> Arch:
    return self._arch
class ExecutablePE (head, data, base=None)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class ExecutablePE(Executable):

    _head: PEFile
    _type = ET.PE

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
        return self._head.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase

    def image_defined_size(self, overlay=True, sections=True, directories=True, certificate=True, memdump=False) -> int:
        This fuction determines the size of a PE file, optionally taking into account the
        pefile module overlay computation, section information, data directory information,
        and certificate entries.
        pe = self._head

        overlay_value = overlay and pe.get_overlay_data_start_offset() or 0
        sections_value = sections and super().image_defined_size() or 0
        memdump_value = memdump and self.image_defined_address_space().upper or 0

        if directories:
            directories_value = max((
                pe.get_offset_from_rva(d.VirtualAddress) + d.Size
                for d in pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY
                if != 'IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY'
            ), default=0)
            if certificate:
                # The certificate overlay is given as a file offset
                # rather than a virtual address.
                cert_value = cert_entry.VirtualAddress + cert_entry.Size
                cert_value = 0
            directories_value = max(directories_value, cert_value)
            directories_value = 0

        return max(

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        sections: Iterable[SectionStructure] = iter(self._head.sections)
        ib = self.image_defined_base()
        for section in sections:
            p_lower = section.PointerToRawData
            p_upper = p_lower + section.SizeOfRawData
            v_lower = section.VirtualAddress + ib
            v_lower = self._rebase_img_to_usr(v_lower)
            v_upper = v_lower + section.Misc_VirtualSize
            p = Range(p_lower, p_upper)
            v = Range(v_lower, v_upper)
            yield Section(self.ascii(section.Name), p, v, False)

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        for section in self.sections():
            yield section.as_segment(populate_sections)

    def arch(self) -> Arch:
        arch = self._head.FILE_HEADER.Machine
        arch = MACHINE_TYPE[arch]
            return {
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386'   : Arch.X32,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64'  : Arch.X64,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM'    : Arch.ARM32,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB'  : Arch.ARM32,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT'  : Arch.ARM64,
                'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16' : Arch.MIPS16,
        except KeyError:
            raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:
        return BO.LE



def image_defined_base(self)
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def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
    return self._head.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
def image_defined_size(self, overlay=True, sections=True, directories=True, certificate=True, memdump=False)

This fuction determines the size of a PE file, optionally taking into account the pefile module overlay computation, section information, data directory information, and certificate entries.

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def image_defined_size(self, overlay=True, sections=True, directories=True, certificate=True, memdump=False) -> int:
    This fuction determines the size of a PE file, optionally taking into account the
    pefile module overlay computation, section information, data directory information,
    and certificate entries.
    pe = self._head

    overlay_value = overlay and pe.get_overlay_data_start_offset() or 0
    sections_value = sections and super().image_defined_size() or 0
    memdump_value = memdump and self.image_defined_address_space().upper or 0

    if directories:
        directories_value = max((
            pe.get_offset_from_rva(d.VirtualAddress) + d.Size
            for d in pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY
        ), default=0)
        if certificate:
            # The certificate overlay is given as a file offset
            # rather than a virtual address.
            cert_value = cert_entry.VirtualAddress + cert_entry.Size
            cert_value = 0
        directories_value = max(directories_value, cert_value)
        directories_value = 0

    return max(
def arch(self)
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def arch(self) -> Arch:
    arch = self._head.FILE_HEADER.Machine
    arch = MACHINE_TYPE[arch]
        return {
            'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386'   : Arch.X32,
            'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64'  : Arch.X64,
            'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM'    : Arch.ARM32,
            'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB'  : Arch.ARM32,
            'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT'  : Arch.ARM64,
            'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16' : Arch.MIPS16,
    except KeyError:
        raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')
def byte_order(self)
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def byte_order(self) -> BO:
    return BO.LE
class ExecutableELF (head, data, base=None)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class ExecutableELF(Executable):

    _head: ELFFile
    _type = ET.ELF

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
        return min(self._pt_load())

    def _pt_load(self):
        PT_LOAD = {}
        if not self._head.num_segments():
            raise LookupError('The elftools parser did not find any segments in this file.')
        for segment in self._head.iter_segments():
            if segment.header.p_type == 'PT_LOAD':
                PT_LOAD[segment.header.p_vaddr] = segment
        if not PT_LOAD:
            raise LookupError('Could not find any PT_LOAD segment.')
        return PT_LOAD

    def _convert_section(self, section) -> Section:
        p_lower = section['sh_offset']
        v_lower = section['sh_addr']
        v_lower = self._rebase_img_to_usr(v_lower)
        v_upper = v_lower + align(section['sh_addralign'], section.data_size)
        p_upper = p_lower + section.data_size
        return Section(self.ascii(, Range(p_lower, p_upper), Range(v_lower, v_upper), False)

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        for section in self._head.iter_sections():
            if section.is_null():
            yield self._convert_section(section)

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        for segment in self._head.iter_segments():
            header = segment.header
            p_lower = header.p_offset
            v_lower = header.p_vaddr
            v_lower = self._rebase_usr_to_img(v_lower)
            p_upper = p_lower + header.p_filesz
            v_upper = v_lower + header.p_memsz
            if not populate_sections:
                sections = None
                sections = [
                    for section in self._head.iter_sections()
                    if segment.section_in_segment(section)
            yield Segment(Range(p_lower, p_upper), Range(v_lower, v_upper), sections)

    def arch(self) -> Arch:
        arch = self._head.header['e_machine']
            return {
                'EM_SPARC'   : Arch.SPARC32,
                'EM_SPARCV9' : Arch.SPARC64,
                'EM_386'     : Arch.X32,
                'EM_X86_64'  : Arch.X64,
                'EM_MIPS'    : Arch.MIPS32,
                'EM_PPC'     : Arch.PPC32,
                'EM_PPC64'   : Arch.PPC64,
                'EM_ARM'     : Arch.ARM32,
        except KeyError:
            raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:
        return BO.LE if self.head.little_endian else BO.BE



def image_defined_base(self)
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def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
    return min(self._pt_load())
def arch(self)
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def arch(self) -> Arch:
    arch = self._head.header['e_machine']
        return {
            'EM_SPARC'   : Arch.SPARC32,
            'EM_SPARCV9' : Arch.SPARC64,
            'EM_386'     : Arch.X32,
            'EM_X86_64'  : Arch.X64,
            'EM_MIPS'    : Arch.MIPS32,
            'EM_PPC'     : Arch.PPC32,
            'EM_PPC64'   : Arch.PPC64,
            'EM_ARM'     : Arch.ARM32,
    except KeyError:
        raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')
def byte_order(self)
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def byte_order(self) -> BO:
    return BO.LE if self.head.little_endian else BO.BE
class ExecutableMachO (head, data, base=None)

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class ExecutableMachO(Executable):

    _head: MachO
    _type = ET.MachO

    def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
        return min(seg.vmaddr for seg, _ in self._macho_segments() if seg.vmaddr > 0)

    def _macho_segments(self):
        headers: List[MachOHeader] = self._head.headers
        for header in headers:
            for cmd, segment, sections in header.commands:
                cmd: load_command
                if not cmd.get_cmd_name().startswith('LC_SEGMENT'):
                if segment.filesize <= 0:
                yield segment, sections

    def _segments(self, populate_sections=False) -> Generator[Segment, None, None]:
        for segment, sections in self._macho_segments():
            v_lower = segment.vmaddr
            v_lower = self._rebase_img_to_usr(v_lower)
            p_lower = segment.fileoff
            v_upper = v_lower + segment.vmsize
            p_upper = p_lower + segment.filesize
            segment_name = self.ascii(segment.segname)
            if not populate_sections:
                sections = None
                sections = [
                    self._convert_section(section, segment_name)
                    for section in sections
            yield Segment(
                Range(p_lower, p_upper),
                Range(v_lower, v_upper),

    def _sections(self) -> Generator[Section, None, None]:
        for segment in self.segments(populate_sections=True):
            yield segment.as_section()
            yield from segment.sections

    def _convert_section(self, section, segment: str) -> Section:
        name = self.ascii(section.sectname)
        p_lower = section.offset
        v_lower = section.addr
        v_lower = self._rebase_img_to_usr(v_lower)
        p_upper = p_lower + section.size
        v_upper = v_lower + align(section.align, section.size)
        return Section(F'{segment}/{name}', Range(p_lower, p_upper), Range(v_lower, v_upper), False)

    def arch(self) -> Arch:
        cputype = self._head.headers[0].header.cputype
            arch = _MACHO_ARCHS[cputype]
        except KeyError:
            arch = F'UNKNOWN(0x{cputype:X})'
            return {
                'X86'       : Arch.X32,
                'X86_64'    : Arch.X64,
                'ARM'       : Arch.ARM32,
                'SPARC'     : Arch.SPARC32,
                'POWERPC'   : Arch.PPC32,
                'POWERPC64' : Arch.PPC64,
        except KeyError:
            raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')

    def byte_order(self) -> BO:
        headers: List[MachOHeader] = self._head.headers
        return {
            '<': BO.LE,
            '>': BO.BE,



def image_defined_base(self)
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def image_defined_base(self) -> int:
    return min(seg.vmaddr for seg, _ in self._macho_segments() if seg.vmaddr > 0)
def arch(self)
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def arch(self) -> Arch:
    cputype = self._head.headers[0].header.cputype
        arch = _MACHO_ARCHS[cputype]
    except KeyError:
        arch = F'UNKNOWN(0x{cputype:X})'
        return {
            'X86'       : Arch.X32,
            'X86_64'    : Arch.X64,
            'ARM'       : Arch.ARM32,
            'SPARC'     : Arch.SPARC32,
            'POWERPC'   : Arch.PPC32,
            'POWERPC64' : Arch.PPC64,
    except KeyError:
        raise LookupError(F'Unsupported architecture: {arch}')
def byte_order(self)
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def byte_order(self) -> BO:
    headers: List[MachOHeader] = self._head.headers
    return {
        '<': BO.LE,
        '>': BO.BE,